Weddings & Life Podcast with Taylor Nicole, a podcast by Denver Wedding Photographer,
Taylor Nicole Photography

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Want to know what your wedding photographer really thinks about hot topics like portrait timing, fake vs real florals, tipping your vendors? Well this is your episode. I am going to dive into questions you all have asked and give you my up front honest opinions and stories about all the things.
Welcome to my first and maybe my only non scripted podcast episode. I am not much of a public speaker, but podcasting is really just talking to yourself in a closet so that seemed more doable. Okay that sounds funny but it’s sort of true as to why I felt like I could do this whole thing in the first place. So normally I type out basically the whole episode and read from my notes, but I have a lot of editing and other client work to get done this week so right now sitting in front of me and this microphone I have just a list of 9 written out questions/topics that you all have asked and other random pieces of advice I think would be interesting and helpful to share and we are just going to dive in and see what this turns out to be! Normally my podcast outlines are 8-10 pages, this one takes up just 3/4 of one page! So different. Ps this could be the shortest episode to date haha stretching my improv muscles here I guess.
(Actually on a side tangent- If you want to know what would make me leave a party early- it’s improv games. My very first and only other boyfriend before I met Austin he and his friends loved improv games and I have never felt like a smaller and lesser version of myself than in those moments. Not because of them but because I was just SO out of my element. So I intentionally will never play an improv game again for the rest of my days, it’s not even in the same universe as my comfort zone. Even the stupid fish bowl game they play at family gatherings I intentionally and forever sit out of. I don’t see that changing ever haha. So there was your random Taylor fact of the episode.)
- Pets on wedding days (and engagement sessions)
- Wanting mountain portraits but getting married in a city setting
- Traditional weddings vs elopements (hot take unpopular opinion here!)
- Fake vs real florals
- Tipping your vendors
- Staying present/ in the moment on your wedding day
- How to make wedding decisions that disappoint others
- How do you handle the long drives?
- Will I be getting another cat?
Also it might be worth it to say that I won’t be typing out this full episode for the blog post. These are bonus tips and you can enjoy listening to hear what I have to say about the topics. Now that this episode is complete and my heart rate has been up for a good 10 minutes haha I am going to get back to editing. Also I am really looking forward to next week’s episode- I am going to chat about having hobbies together as a couple. Backstory- Austin and I are running our first half marathon together this weekend and I am going to share some behind the scenes of what learning to do hobbies together has done for us! So I will be back next week with that episode. Thanks for listening!
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