Weddings & Life Podcast with Taylor Nicole, a podcast by Denver Wedding Photographer, Taylor Nicole Photography
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Hello, welcome back to the podcast! I am not sure if I’m saying that to myself or to you. Since this is the first episode I have recorded since July of 2022. I am so excited to be back to recording episodes and this one is going to give you an update on where this podcast is headed and what to expect in 2023.

Well I am back for episode 28.
I had thought this episode would be let out last Summer and would be about a wedding topic of some sort, however life and busy wedding season had other plans.
This drives me absolutely crazy because I am a big podcast fan myself and I have always been so disappointed when podcasts missed a week or didn’t live up to their advertised schedule. However my expectations for this podcast were much larger than my time resources last year.
A little background…
I first had the idea to start a podcast in 2021. I spent a few months thinking about it and writing episode topics. I bought equipment late Fall that year and then as soon as I finished the last of 2021 wedding editing I just dove right in and started recording episodes. I did all of this without really brainstorming or thinking deeply into what function this podcast plays in my business and how I can sustainably add that into my regular work routine. I also didn’t think much about the audience of this podcast being busy people who are planning weddings vs someone like myself who works from home and loves podcast episodes that are longer. I was pushing myself to find topics that I could talk for hours on which made planning and getting the episodes out there harder.
After hearing feedback I realize that shorter episodes under 30 minutes might serve you all better as you can listen during a workout or quick drives. And thankfully that will help me a ton because the few episodes that were over 30 minutes were a big stretch for me. I love talking about weddings but I am not the most experienced public speaker so shorter episodes will be much easier to put out there regularly.
So after missing multiple months of the podcast, my wedding season slowed down in late 2022. I have since taken several weeks to brainstorm what the future of this podcast could look like. I created and published a new podcast website landing page, thanks to my website template designer Elizabeth McCravy. I will link her Showit template shop in the show notes. Yes I am an affiliate for her templates by the way. My whole website and now podcast kit is from Elizabeth and I absolutely adore it.
As far as changes to expect from each episode.
I am planning topics that will make the episodes about 15-30 minutes in length. I am also no longer planning to release a new episode each week. While I did save more space on my calendar this year from my wedding work I don’t anticipate being able to keep up with the weekly deadline and definitely would worry that I wouldn’t do a great job keeping up with episodes and the quality would start to decrease. So I’ve decided I would rather release two awesome episodes per month instead of 4 rushed episodes.
So that means I will release about 25 episodes this year. Since it’s already February I guess that will be a little less. Here is the fun catch. I will be including bonus episodes throughout the year as time allows. So the two monthly episodes are going to be planned out well in advance, maybe even recorded in advance so I can make sure to avoid missing a deadline. These planned episodes will all be 100% wedding related. My bonus episodes will be more fun and free, like Q&A’s that I poll from Instagram or life updates and funny behind the scenes stories or updates from my wedding season. I love both the wedding and life side of this podcast possibility and I want to keep the option to share life things open even when I get busy.
So regularly you can expect to see a new wedding related episode published every other Tuesday, and then bonus episodes will appear spontaneously and will be announced on social media. I’d recommend subscribing so you get an automatic update each time an episode is dropped.
I am also branding this as the start of season two of the podcast! I feel like having seasons will give me room to grow and change as I keep learning and getting better at podcasting over the years too.
Life Updates
I thought I’d give you all a fairly quick life update just based on what I had shared last year in the podcast episodes.
Film Photography
First is film photography. When I had started recording these episodes I was photographing on a 35mm film camera bodies, then I quickly upgraded to a medium format film camera body last Spring. Well I continued to use film at all the sessions and weddings that I could last year. Film is a bit more time consuming and weddings are often fast paced, but by the end of the year I had photographed over 50 rolls of film, and the practice has certainly paid off. I love the process and the art behind creating film images and am going to continue to use film to serve my wedding clients in 2023. My hope is to work film into an easy to use system this year and then in 2024 train my associate photography team to start incorporating film as well.
Next is our marathon. If you remember sometime in early 2022 my husband Austin and I signed up for both a half and full marathon. We ran the half marathon in the Summer in Estes Park, our favorite Colorado mountain town. Then a few weeks later I started experiencing pain from a hamstring injury or at least that’s what we think it was. I wanted to go to a PT but for my insurance I had to visit a doctor first and at that appointment I was clearly told that a full marathon wasn’t in the cards for me. Because PT appointments would have been an extra expense both time and money I decided to wait and see if I could heal up on my own. So we did travel to Maine in the Fall and Austin ran our marathon. I absolutely loved getting to drive around and cheer him on during the race. I am not sure if I will sign up for a full marathon again, but I am considering another half possibly in Estes again just because it was a great experience last year.
The best change yet! No more long distance
Lastly one of the most exciting updates is that Austin and I are living together full time now! If you’re new around here Austin and I have lived together only part of the year from 2020 through the end of 2022. The pandemic, education and scholarship requirements have been what has kept us living and working in separate states. He was a super commuter all of 2022 meaning that anytime we were together one of our cars was parked at an airport, or he had driven overnight to take an early morning flight home to me. We traveled back and forth from Denver to his work together during the slower part of my work year and then during wedding season I couldn’t travel and he just came to visit me on his off days. While we made the best of the crazy travel schedules I am so so thankful for answered prayers and getting to live in just one home together now. I have already noticed a huge difference in my slow season and getting to enjoy a deeper sense of rest not traveling back and forth every week.
So those are my fun life updates. Thanks for following along. I am going to be publishing two episodes today, this update and the next episode being our first wedding topic of 2023 and then we start our every other Tuesday schedule.
The last change for the podcast episodes is that I decided to cut the outro I had recorded. It wasn’t my favorite so I am just going to share the general information candidly at the end of the episodes now. Less structured for sure.
If you have enjoyed this podcast leaving a rating or review means the world to me. And sharing this episode with your friends is actually the best way for new people to hear about this podcast. If you ever want to chat more about topics I discuss in these episodes or you just like the episodes in general I’d love to hear from you in my Instagram dms! If you have any episode topic ideas or wedding planning questions you’d love to hear answered in a podcast episode I’d love to hear about those too, once again let’s connect on Insta for that. You can find my links to the shownote blog post, website and instagram in the shownotes below. Thank you so much for listening all the way through this first episode back of season two!
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